Hello and Welcome, This is a Christian Photographers view of the world. Whether it's through the lens or through my walk, my progress in both are open and laid out for discussion. Some days will be all photos and some all God or a mixture of both but it will always be an interesting delve into my walk in each. To God be the Glory!
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Sunday, November 27, 2022
The Wheat and the Tares
Saturday, November 26, 2022
When first we don't succeed, try try again. Something we've heard over and over in our lives yet in a walk with Jesus, nothing could be further from the truth. It should say, if at first you don't succeed then give up. Let me explain. Our whole lives on Earth is based on effort in, equals effort out. The more you do the more you get. The harder you work, the better the career, the bigger the house, the better off you'll be. It's programmed in us from the beginning to be successful, to make something of ourselves. It's the survival of the fittest mentality. It's why we have sports and competitions and hierarchical jobs. They're all there to create competition and perpetuate the dog eat dog mentality in us all. Then there's being a Christian, where we hear, the first will be last and the last shall be first. What the heck. It sounds like the participation trophies are being handed out again at the soccer game. No, it's a picture of how God is trying to save us from ourselves by replacing the ideology of a Me centric society to a Love centric society.
In any new Christians walk, the ME attitude has to be replaced with a HIM attitude. Right from the start, the hole we're in spiritually, cannot be dug out of by us. No matter the good we do or no matter how we perceive ourselves, we are still walking, talking piles of selfishness. So, to be a Christian you first must come to the realization that you need help. Even the very thought of, I need help, is planted there by God. Being saved is an act of relinquishing control from you to Him. (See my first blog on how that went for me.) You have to tell yourself, I am lost and destitute. Then you must recognise the one who can rescue you. For most, coming to the realization that they are sinful is very difficult in itself but then coming to terms and understanding that they have zero control to change their situation is sometimes a hard pill to swallow.
Read 2Corinthians 12:5-10 where Paul boasts about his weaknesses. He gets a word straight from God that says, my power is perfected in weakness. It's hard for us to imagine that weakness can bring about power but look at it this way. Two men get into a heated discussion over how to build a house. Now, nothing can be built as long as the two argue but as soon as one gives up his fight, progress can be made. Like them, we put up a good fight to stay in control of our lives. Because of that, God will not move until a settlement is reached which is us relinquishing control.
Even after we are saved from our sinful nature, we hold on to anything we can control. Once saved though, we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit which opens up communication between God and us. This communication is for His voice to be heard and obeyed by us. Yet, we still plan it all ourselves. Like Moses in the wilderness striking the rock instead of speaking to the rock, we tend to do our own thing when it comes to God. We worship Him how we want to, we do our lives how we want to and only call on Him when things get rough. Instead of treating Him like our King and Savior we treat him like a genie. Thanks for saving me but I got this, just grant me some wishes along the way and I'll be fine. This is our attitude because we do not want to lose control.
Our control is our comfort. We control things because it is comfortable for us. We settle into routines and rarely upset our apple cart. It's how we protect ourselves from heartbreak, loss and discomfort. We settle for comfortable control instead of radical trust. Our entire lives as Christians should be controlled by God. Think of the church, every church on the planet should be under one authority, God's authority. Instead, the church is split up into factions and pieces because of different doctrinal beliefs, pastoral control or eldership control. Men want to keep control anyway they can. In one breath they want God's provisions and the other they don't want to die to self.
Control is always going to be the issue, who has it and who wants it. Our loss of control is basically like Christ's sacrifice on the cross. His death was a direct leading of His Father. If Jesus would have not gone to the cross then control would have been taken back and Jesus would have lost His relationship with God. When we follow Christ, He asks for us to take up our cross. The cross was an instrument of death where those that did evil were nailed to it. Our death on the cross is nailing our control, pride, fear and lack of trust to it so that they too can die in us. What ever we have an issue with that keeps God's hands from leading our lives must be recognized first then gotten rid of through the cross. Control is a nasty thing and He awaits the day when we give all our control over to Him. As Paul put it, I die daily, which should be our call as well. So, ask God, what part of me am I in control of that you want control of and see what He says.
As any of my blogs are read, please don't take what I say as truth without you yourself speaking to God for confirmation on the subject matter. As each of us are on differing paths in Christ, one may glean something totally different than someone else. You may not get anything at all or this may upset you. My goal is for you to deepen your relationship with God. Ask Him to do one thing and that's reveal to you the truth. If you ask Him for truth He will reveal it to you.
As always, May God have all the Glory!
Thursday, November 24, 2022
Religion versus Relationship
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
In The Beginning
Where to start this journey so that you, my reader can get something out of this? As a normal guy with no ties to anything popular or anything viral, I started this journey to express my thoughts and ideas of what it's like to walk with Jesus as my Savior, Friend and Companion. I often feel that being a Christian in the world today can bring some pretty negative input from both the religious and non-religious population. So that said, anything on this Blog will be my personal experiences and my own viewpoints. In no way am I trying to make you walk a certain way but my goal is to open up minds so they can think for themselves.
I started my journey with God when I was a teenager. I had a "come to the altar moment" that, at the time, was completely lost to me. It was an impressionable time and basically I followed everything the pastor told me, word for word. Yea, he's saved from the clutches of hell. No...not really! Later on after living an unGodly life to the ripe age of 30, His calling on me was unavoidable. It was in the pew of a church we had been attending where the battle for my life was lost. My wife wanted us to be Baptized, so, the preacher wanted to announce the happy news to the entire congregation, that next week this great couple was going to get dunked. The only problem was, I lied about being saved. When the preacher asked me if I was, I fell back on that moment when I was walked down the isle and told to repeat after me. However, not knowing in my heart what was going on, I believe I did not get saved that day. So, there I was sitting in the pew of this church about to get up and announce our Baptism for the following week. To say I was a total wreck was an understatement. I was sweating, my mind was in lock down mode and I made up my mind at the last minute, that I couldn't go through with it.
Now, if you are Baptist, you know that in an altar call, the entire congregation are sometimes told to bow their heads and close their eyes. It helps with anonymity when they're asked to raise their hand if they need prayer or if they need to come to the altar. So, while everyone isn't looking, we were supposed to come to the front, so when the altar call was done, they would announce us. So, just before the preacher said bow your head, I leaned over to my wife and whispered, "I can't do this." She asked, "Why" and I just said, "I can't." "Please bow your head," echoed in my ears as the entire congregation did as asked. My heart was pounding out of my chest as God was pressing in. My wife left my side and walked up front on her own. The preacher, sensing an issue, lengthened the call and to me it felt like minutes, in reality it was probably seconds. The battle raged in my heart as I felt as though I was standing on the edge of a massive cliff. In my mind, I didn't know if I was going to be caught if I jumped off that cliff. I had issues! So, as each second ticked away like they were an hour, I had a choice to make. Follow Christ or hold on to my life and keep living in guilt and condemnation. This is what I said to God in my heart, "If you want me so badly, then here I am. Take me." It wasn't a long drawn out speech or eloquent prayer, it was as if I was asked to do a trust fall off a roof into a sheet held by 6 people 15ft below. When I said, "Fine, I give up," I fell off that precipice into open air and for a few moments as I fell, I was worried how it would end.
I said yes to Christ's sacrifice in that pew that day and before the altar call was done, I walked up beside my wife just in time to stand together as a couple. You see, Christ waits patiently for us to make the choice. It's not forced, it's not done out of guilt, it's done out of Love. You see, when we are covered in darkness and Love is something foreign to you, you run from it. It looks like a threat when you've never experienced it before. You come up with all kinds of excuses to avoid it. Mine was loss of control. I felt that if I said yes, I would lose control of my life. My fear was that I would have to change to be someone I couldn't be. The cool thing is, you don't have to change, it just happens. Plenty of people think they need to qualify for salvation instead and bring something to the bargaining table with God. Because we live in a society that doesn't give anything for free, we feel that we must bring God something in exchange for salvation. The problem is, nothing we can give is good enough to qualify. So, most hesitate, like I did, and that mindset keeps them from His Love. More on this later...
So, the following week I was Baptized and the rest is history. Now, I'm an 18 year old in Christ and I have had some pretty tough days. I've also had some wonderful moments of peace, clarity and the presence of the Holy Spirit in these 18 years. So, why a blog? If I can help one person out there with a struggle they are having or help one person to open their heart up to God, then it has been worth it. I don't even know if this is going to be read but like falling into the hands of God, it's a leap of faith. I look at it this way. If something resonates with you, then awesome, if not just go about your life like you never read this.
I pray everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. To God be the Glory!
Another Loss
Valentines day is when we celebrate love and loved ones but what happens when the one you love passes. February 15th, 2025 my st...
I absolutely love parables. They bring so much spiritual truth in a relatable story. Like the parable of the wheat and the tares...
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 Corinthians 3:3-6 He has made us comp...
Hello everyone, Let us press on towards the goal of what God has called us for, the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. When I became...