Thursday, November 24, 2022

Religion versus Relationship

I hinted at my conflicts with church members in my last blog so I thought I would elaborate on the situation. I worked in an automotive shop, changing tires and oil and I started there right after I became a Christian. Read my last blog to catch up on my routines around this time. Anyway, my nose was in the Bible constantly and I was learning a lot. One day, I was quiet because I read, be quiet before the Lord. Another words, I was listening intently for anything from the Holy Spirit. I was hungry and wanted any morsel of knowledge or understanding God would give me. 
One of my co-workers asked why I was being so quiet that day. Now, he was a Christian and we talked regularly with no issues but that day changed everything. I looked over and replied, "I'm listening for the Holy Spirit to talk to me." You would think I had told him I was God himself. His faced went red and evil looking and he said "Who do you think you are?" 
Well,  I kept my calm even though I was boiling inside. My initial thought was. "Am I wrong?"
I had just read where we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us from the time we are born again. He's a gift to us to help us communicate, to be corrected, to comfort and to give understanding. He's our living connection to Christ and God. 
So, in my frustration, I finished the car I was working on and then went to break. While I was on break, I began to write down all the scripture I had studied previously so I could share them with him. My thinking was, maybe he's unaware so I'll share my studies and see if he comes to the same conclusions I had. I wanted input. So, after my break I walked up to Him and said, "Hey, I went and wrote down the scriptures where I drew my conclusions from and wanted you to look at them." He snatched the paper out of my hands, looked me in the eyes, tore the paper into pieces then threw them on the ground.
This was my first conflict with another Christian and right then and there, unknown to me at the time, was also my first run in with religion. 
It left me baffled and over a period of years he tortured me mentally, talked horribly about me behind my back and refused to talk to me. It literally lasted most of my 12 plus years working there. 
He never talked to me about why he reacted that way. There was his belief system and only his belief system and that was all, anything else was blasphemy and deserved to be cast out.
Before we go any further,  I want everyone to know, I confronted him one day and asked him for forgiveness and told him I forgave him in return. He did not ask to be forgiven but he accepted my forgiveness. That day I washed my hands of the matter and I only bring it up as a reminder of how lost in religion we can become.
So, let's break down the differences. Religion is a set system of beliefs that creates a club like atmosphere for those that are in it. A religion usually has rules, a specific structure and a set system of beliefs and ideas. Go beyond what is set by that religion and your labeled a trouble maker. Religion welcomes you in as long as you believe and act as they do. As soon as you step outside the box though you are an enemy.
Relationship however, welcomes all, accepts all and loves all. It has no issues with how you act, how you look or how you believe. 
Now, your probably saying, organization and structure is a good thing and it is but when it is preferred over a person then you run into issues.
History lesson time, the Church has been historically ultra conservative when it comes to who it let's into its doors. Basically they wanted a sinner to come to Christ but they wanted that person to look a certain way and act a certain way first before they walked in. They wanted clean sinners if that makes any sense. Then they also judged harshly those outside their doors or even those behind another door. Another words, no love was present in the church. 
When structure is preferable over love then we have issues. Religion is neat and tidy and sanitary. Relationship is ugly, dirty and random. It seeks out those who are at their worst and lifts them up. It never judges those that are lost but loves them as they are. 
Christ ran straight into the religious hornet nest and got put on the cross for it. 
So, if you've had a bad taste in your mouth throughout this blog, then you may want to check your heart. 
Ask yourself this, can you're "relationship" with Christ survive outside of your church? If you unplugged from all the events, all services, all sermons, all music and all reading, would you still be able to maintain your Christian life? It's a process I've had to take myself through to appreciate how much God wants our heart over our service. More to come on that but for now,
Happy Thanksgiving to all and to God be all the Glory!

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