I absolutely love parables. They bring so much spiritual truth in a relatable story. Like the parable of the wheat and the tares. Why would God raise up two types of Christians? You see, automatically you think, wait, isn't that about believers and non-believers? One day while studying another parable, the one about the 10 virgins, I realized the wheat and tares may not be believers and non-believers but those that claim they know Christ and those that He knows. It's one thing to know Him versus to be known by Him.
In the 10 virgins, at the end, 5 of them come back to the house after finding enough oil. They knocked, He answered by saying, depart from me I don't know you. It's like knowing a movie star and being known by one. Take your favorite actor or actress for example, you could see every movie they've been in, read every biography about them, watch every documentary and interview with them and on your side you'd feel a connection to them. However, if you walked up to them and said, hey it's really good to see you, they'd say I don't know you. Christ is the same way, we can't claim to know Him and not actually spend time with Him. It takes a relationship with Him for both of you to connect.
When reading this parable as a young hungry Christian, I was completely floored by the prospect of being left out and I'd say most Christians would be surprised too by that notion.
Most are comfortable in the fact they are saved and that's all they need to get to heaven. However, if you read through the Bible with an open mind you'll see there is definitely two groups of believers. Now, why can’t it be believers and non-believers? Because, non-believers wouldn't even be invited to the wedding or be a virgin. Christ came to reconcile us to God and give us a shot at becoming a co-laborer with Him. We are given the resources to create a relationship with Him where we previously had none. Before Christ came, the Law was the only way man could draw closer to God, yet, as Paul so eloquently puts it in Romans, we had a nature in us that kept us from fulfilling the Law. That nature was nailed to the cross and was crucified with Christ giving us a clean slate, a fresh start.
Look at it this way, a man was asked to build a house yet he was given no tools and no materials to do so. Now imagine trying to build a house from sticks, mud and anything you could find around you without tools. No saws to cut wood, no hammers or nails, no nothing. It would be very difficult. A house could be built but it wouldn't look good or function properly compared to today's modern home. So, trying to build a house with no resources was us trying to fulfill God's Law with a fallen nature, impossible. Once Christ came, it was as that same man got every piece of lumber, nail, shingle, wiring, plumbing and everything needed to build a large house. He even provided us with the blueprints which was the example of how Christ lived on Earth, sacrificially. We now have every tool and material to build a relationship with God.
The Holy Spirit was given and He's like an endless supply of information and understanding and power.
"For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline." 2Tim. 1:7
The supplies we have been given through Christ's sacrifice and the Gifts of the Spirit is supposed to be used to glorify God and build His kingdom on Earth.
Kingdom building isn't knowledge about it, it's a life we live in and show to the world.
Back to the wheat and tares. The wheat is to be harvested, ground up and made into bread to feed the world where as the tares serve no use and are discarded. Those that are tares, deny the working of the Spirit, deny the power of God in us, deny miracles can be done through us and deny that we are made perfect through Christ. They stay in the prison of the old nature even after Christ has opened the prison doors and set us free. Christ said, we would do all He did and more.
One last thing. An elephant is the largest and strongest land mammal on Earth. When being trained for the first time, huge chains are put around one of their legs to keep them from running away. The elephant tries to break free but cannot. Over time it quits trying. They can then replace the huge chain with a simple rope, one that it could easily break but doesn't. Why, because it has been conditioned to know it can't escape even when it has the ability to do so.
We are vessels that were created to be like Christ. We we're full of our old nature and then we were emptied out. We were then filled with Him. Why then do we still label ourselves as anything but Sons of God? Why do we act as though we are still bound by sin and condemnation when Christ set us free?
False doctrines have been taught to us for generations to keep us from establishing that bond we should have with God. Listen, anything that teaches against being a functional son or daughter of God is wrong. Read, study, and have God change the way you see your relationship with Him. Pray to have Him lift the blinders off your eyes so you can see the truth.
As always, To God be all the Glory!
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