Sorry it's been three months but a lot of things have been going on in my life and are still going on. However, this could not be put off.
Last night I had a very vivid, "in color" dream and I wanted to tell you about it.
So, in this dream I worked at a bank and on this particular day a bank robber came in to rob the bank. Immediately, he demanded that customers go to one area and the tellers to start getting out the money. Normally, the policy is to trigger the alarm as soon as somebody can but I felt that this person was actually a kind person and did not want to be there doing this. So, I believe I was a bank manager, told everyone quietly to grab as much cash as possible but to not trigger any alarms. I told the robber this as well to calm his nerves as he was very nervous, filled with anxiety and scared. I said, I have told everyone to not hit the alarm buttons and to do what you have said. We will get your money as fast as we can and then you can go. His mood changed abruptly from nervous to calm. To ease his nerves even more, I showed him the alarm buttons under the counter. I told him none of us will trigger the alarm. He eased up even more and then we began to have dialogue, talking back and forth. I can't remember the details of what was said but he relaxed so much as to lay his gun down and just hang out for a little while. The staff saw the change in mood and then they became more relaxed, then the customers began to relax. It was as though a robbery wasn't taking place anymore.
However, the mood in the customers and staff changed. They became over confident in this new relaxed atmosphere and began to mingle and walk around. They pushed the limits of where they were supposed to be according to the robber. He wanted them to stay in a specific room. First they would walk close to the door and then move back. They tested him to see if he reacted, which he didn't. He kept talking to me and his back was towards them. However, I could see them and I got an uneasy feeling about the whole thing. They started testing him even more as they would step out into the lobby, out of the room. First one, then more. I saw them and had a bad feeling. They congregated in the lobby, all of them and they began to talk and make noise. This is when he realized what was going on.
He turned and saw them out. It was a direct challenge to his authority but now that he was calm and less authoritative, he lost his control over them. They began to threaten him by saying they were leaving and he'd say no don't do that. It was more of a plea instead of a warning like he knew they would unleash something worse if they did. They became more demanding and more restless when they figured out that he wasn't going to harm any of them. He begged them to stop and go back to their room yet they disobeyed and turned to leave the bank.
It was the turning point. The bank was mostly glass in the front. It was tucked into a small plaza and was lower than street level. If you looked from the plaza side, you'd see glass walls from the south entrance around to the west side facing the plaza. The north entrance was a step up into the street and the east side was solid walls where it butted up to another building. The bank was only one story and maybe fifty feet wide from east to west and about twice that in length from north to south. The rooms inside were mainly glass as well so you could see right through it. Just setting the scene.
At the moment the customers moved towards the north entrance at the street, the robbers mood changed. He screamed "NO" as though he was trying to keep someone from falling off a cliff or stepping out in front of a moving car. At that moment I saw men coming from the west stepping down the steps into the open plaza with machine guns. They were all wearing blue jumpsuits. The robber fell to the floor and as did I. The men in blue open fired into the glass walls as panicked people scrambled to flee. I held my spot but would peak up to see where they were. I'd move towards the south entrance when none were looking my way but stop when they started to look. I stayed behind desks and support columns until I reached the door. By this time, they were hunting down those that survived the initial onslaught of bullets. Screams, shots and glass breaking was all I could hear. I made a run for it to the steps of the plaza just parallel to the the south side of the bank. There was a tree that was part of the landscaping I hid behind. There was also a food cart just in front of the tree to my left. I laid there watching as the men in blue were at the top of the three or four steps that went down into the plaza. They were still shooting into the bank.
My body laid there perfectly still but my head would peak out from behind the tree to see if they had left yet or if I could make a run for it south, further away. Yet there was no opportunity. One of the men looked right at me as I peaked out from behind the tree. I knew I was a goner as he open fired in my direction. He had to be 30 feet away. The bullets hit the tree over and over and as he kept firing the bark and debris were flying all around me. I remember seeing the brown shredded material flying past both sides of the tree as it just got smashed with bullets. The firing stopped as he reloaded and at that moment I knew I needed to run. I jumped up and ran south trying to keep the tree between him and me hoping it would help.
As I took off running I heard a voice. It was one of the men. He had been behind me but was up on the higher part of the plaza south west about twenty feet from me. He never fired so I wasn't aware he was there and as I laid on the second step he had not seen me from his angle but when I jumped up I was right in his sights. I froze when he yelled at me. I turned and he walked towards me with intention. Why didn't I run? Well, I have seen to many movies where they just shoot you down while you ran away and that thought of waiting to be shot while trying to get away was not my idea of fun. Plus, If he wanted to kill me, he'd have to face me and do it instead of shooting me in the back. He was on me quick and I fell to my knees as to beg him not to. He had a sawed off shotgun in his hands and the end of the barrel was in my face when he stopped. I looked up at him and he looked down at me.
Then there was this moment where all fear faded from me. Boldness replaced it, calmness washed over me as I knew I would be just fine. I grabbed the end of the barrel and said, "In the name of Jesus I command you to leave him." His face went from a mean, wrinkled, gritty, angry hate filled face full of intensity, to one that saw light for the first time. His eyes went from a dark brown, almost black to a light blue. His tortured face, wrinkled up and contorted, turned from dark to light and smooth. His demeanor turned from determination to instant humility and tears welled up in his eyes. His grip on the gun loosened and I took it from him gently and laid it down. Immediate regret filled him and uncontrollable sobbing followed. He crumbled to the ground like a pile of clothes and I grabbed him to ease his fall. He sat on his knees weeping while a pulled his head into my chest and comforted him during this traumatic transformation.
His life was being handed to him under judgement as he saw it through the Father's eyes for the first time. The overwhelming wretchedness caused his heart to ache as though it would explode. Flashes of events and words and how he treated people would come at him like waves crashing on the shore. I held him tight, pressing him into me. "He loves you I whispered to him," the crying increased even more. "There's no way", he blubbered, snot flowing freely. "He does love you. Why do you think He had me there when He did," I said. I just kept holding him and telling him that He loved him.
His knees gave out and he flopped over and laid there on his back. His eyes were red from crying and he was calming down. The horror movie called his life was done playing in his mind and he now had a choice to make. "Do you want to give your life over to Him?" I said. "You know He is right here waiting for you to let go." The man just laid there wiping his face. He looked at me and the tears began to fall again. He choked out an "I'm sorry" and I said "You are forgiven." It was then that he was ready. In that moment I saw a soul being redeemed to the Father through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
I woke up after that. I normally don't remember full vivid details of dreams unless it has come from God. Was it just a nice dream or was it a message? As I wrote this down, I could see a message developing within. The world is like this bank, full of people doing what they want to do. Then comes in a power. A power that is intimidating and scary. However, pushing against it unleashes something more terrifying. I see the world in the stage of push back. Through social media and everyone having a voice, I see this coming to an abrupt end. The days of testing our limits is about to be changed to full on war. Now, I'm not predicting anything and I don't look at events and happenings, I look at what is going on in the soul, the mind and the heart as God does. God could care less if we choose vanilla over chocolate or our wardrobe or what kind of car we drive. Instead He cares about our heart. That's what makes the playing field the same for all. The heart is weighed by good or evil, it doesn't get judged by how much money or things it possesses but by how much things possess it. We may be seeing harder times ahead that causes people to run and scatter. We may see people fall from the faith as they try and run from evil. How can evil kill you if your heart belongs to Jesus. Don't fear evil or death, Christ has conquered both and the Spirit that lives in Him lives in us.
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