I'll be honest, I haven't had much to write about lately. Topics haven't come as easy as before and I'm kind of struggling. Hence the lack of daily posts. However, my relationship with God has been great, not to boast. The other day I felt His presence all day and in some moments I felt like I was going to explode. It has been twenty nine years since I dated my wife but I can still remember the feelings I had when I'd drive home from her house on cloud nine, a grin from ear to ear as just being around her made me feel euphoric. That same feeling is what I get from the presence of God. It's like we are dating and in a way we are. The Bible often says return to your first love as the Israelites had strayed many times. My daily walk, my daily surrender, my daily love is like dating Him each day.
Make sure you are reading this in the Spirit and not the flesh but I think I am feeling what women feel like to have a man in their lives that open a car door for them or pay the check on a date. Women used to let men be the man during dates and this was all to be in line with how things are to be between us and God. We are the church, the body of Christ and we as the church are also His bride. We must adopt the female's role of submission and let Jesus be the man in the relationship. If we are skewing the lines between the roles of men and women then the lines in heaven are also skewed as the church tries to assume the role of Christ and makes Christ assume the role of the woman.
Women are designed as examples of what the church, men and women, are supposed to act like. Submissive to His love, instruction and care. As the bride we are to act like a woman but if the enemy comes in and blurs the lines between men and women, then no one knows how to the bride. The lines between what a man should be and what a woman should be in a relationship has been messed up for a long while and the current attack on identity is no different. If you don't know who you are in the natural then your identity in God will be wrong as well.
Men should love women as Christ loves the church and gave His life up for her. Men should be there as the rock, the firm foundation, reliable, unmoving, unshaking, comforting, strong yet gentle and caring. Women should be ready to receive that from their husband. Let him be the man. Support him and love him, relinquish yourself over to him and submit.
The correct roles of men and women on Earth is a direct reflection of our relationship with Christ. We cannot afford to screw up the roles between us, if we do, we lose everything. The enemy has always attacked the traditional family. The men have been portrayed as sexual monsters that prowl around only wanting one thing from women. They have been demonized and brought down to the level of a wandering dog. Men have been targeted by the enemy first to rattle the confidence and trust women had in them. This caused women to assert themselves into the role of a man which completely messed up the ability for the offspring to understand the roles assigned by God.
So, here we are now erasing gender lines in the name of whatever the battle cry is today. Yet unknowingly, they are playing right into the hands of the enemy as he pushes one final time to destroy our relationship with God. We complain and argue, make rules and laws, scream and shout, are offended and hurt yet in all that is going on in the world today, we are mere pawns in a last battle for souls. We think that the battle of Armageddon takes place in the natural? What if we are already in the middle of it right now in our hearts and minds. If that's the case, then Christ will come and no one will even know because He will come back in us and not in the natural world.
Well there's a bomb dropped for later maybe. Right now, lets get back to what I have experienced in the role of a submissive wife. Each day I wake up anticipating Him taking care of my needs and I know He will. Each day I prove to Him that I love Him by trusting in Him and having faith in Him. It's in Him I am sustained, fed, loved and cared for. All He wants in return is my faith in Him which I gladly do.
Women, for some of you, this sounds like foreign behavior as women have struggled to be so independent. For men, this is a true role reversal as we are supposed to be in that role. However, if men would submit to Christ they would be able to see how women need to be treated and cared for. If men would let Christ be the man in their lives then they in turn could be proper men for their wives. If men would be like Christ, women wouldn't feel the need to be men. It's all proper and ordered and we have so messed it up.
I see why Eve was so easily deceived now. Her role was to be a woman, submissive and fully reliant on Adam. The enemy said that she would know and be like God which was Adam, as Adam was created to be like God. So Eve, wanting to know what it was like to have authority and control partook of what the devil was giving her. She then convinced Adam into wanting to thrown off his submissive role to God and here we are still wanting to be the ones in control instead of being submissive. The battle for control is being waged in our lives daily. Submit or not to submit is the question we all are posed with. I choose to be the humble submissive wife to my wonderful loving Husband Jesus. How about you?
To God my Father and to Christ my Husband be the Glory,
Love, your wife!