The Lord loves those who diligently seek Him. He sees their broken hearts and their troubled minds. They thirst and cry out for a drink and they know that God will quench it. They knock and know He will answer. The quest for truth is in their heart. They seek Him where He dwells and He fills them with His Spirit. He quiets their mind to make them understand. He forms truth in their hearts like a potter forms a vessel. Once formed and fired, the vessel can then carry water to others.
God loves those who love Him. He will bless them with joy and gladness even in times of darkness. His light shines in them like a lighthouse guiding sailors home. For all that are not His are tossed at sea and are bashed upon the rocks. Yet those that see His light will find a safe harbor.
God loves those who weep, for He will wipe away their tears. He will bless them with His mercy and draw them to Him. In His love He will make them cry tears of happiness because their iniquities have been forgotten.
God loves those who find shelter in Him. Though the storms come and claim many, those who shelter in God will not be touched by the winds of doubt.
God loves those who are full of faith. They see beyond what they can see and they place their trust in it. They cannot feel yet they know He is there. They cannot taste but His sweetness is upon their tongue. They cannot hear yet they can be guided by His voice. Those with unwavering faith are His and will never be moved.
Time is running out to seek and to have faith in Him. Time is coming to a close and the wedding feast will soon begin. The bride will be married to the groom and for those in Him, they will rejoice but for those who think they had an invitation but are denied access, there will be weeping. For many think because they walk around saying His name or use His popularity to make themselves look important, they will be sent away. They may say they know Him but He will say, I never knew you.
To know Him is easy but for Him to know you takes sacrifice. We cannot live to ourselves and then say remember me. For living to yourself gives you rewards today. Living for Him however takes sacrifice and dedication. He lives in those that set aside themselves for His glory. Those that seek not their own will be let into the wedding because they wear His garments.
Seek first His kingdom and deny all other things. Seek first His kingdom and He will give to you without measure. He will provide and feed you if you worry about nothing and seek Him.
Can anything be as important? Can the gospel of Christ not be more important than our daily lives? Can the truth of God and His kingdom not take control of our mind? What will it take for God to rattle your cage of doubt? What will it take for Him to be your all in all? Will it be sickness, depravity, drugs, depression or any mind numbing activity we seek out instead of seeking Him? Will it take rock bottom, flat on your back at the bottom of a pit for you to see His glorious light?
This post is not from me, it's mainly from Him. His heart weeps at the sight of His children abusing themselves and each other. He crys out to those that are not in His truth to come. He shouts to those in distress, seek me. He cannot force His way into our hearts, it must be us that turn and run to Him. He stands at the door calling for us to come. He loves us deeply, everyone of you.
Right now, you the reader, drop everything you think you know and empty yourself to Him. Let Him fill every corner of your heart and mind. Just say, I'm yours Lord, come and live in me, make me your home.
Lord, I feel your need to gather the lost sheep and to fill all the Earth with your Spirit. I pray you give all your faithful servants the confidence and faith, to trust in You and to carry out Your will.
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