I'm encouraging your relationship between you and Him. A cheerleader of sorts. So, let's do this. Let's ask Him for a revelation today for you. A revelation is an understanding about some aspect of God. Whether it's a law or a piece of scripture or any understanding that you didn't have before. It's often a piece of scripture like when Jesus told the parables. He said not all will understand them and their meanings because it takes the Holy Spirit to unlock the understanding behind them.
So, now we are going to ask God for Him to give you some understanding or a revelation but a specific one I have picked out for you. So, let's do this again. All at once, thank Him for His presence then ask Him to reveal to you how much He loves you. Do it in faith, know He is good and He will provide. I'll wait.....
Yes, so I did it as well. Now God doesn't just pop a revelation on you right away but if He just did then great, you are blessed. If you've asked in faith, knowing He is a good Father and that He gives good gifts, then just wait for it with anticipation. If you did receive a revelation then awesome.
Next, I just want you to talk to God about love. Talk to Him about what you're understanding about His love currently is. If you just got a revelation about His love, talk about that, thank Him for it. When I talk to God about a certain subject I often receive revelation on that subject. As I talk to Him about all I know and discuss it with Him, I ask questions and have faith as though He's in the room with me, which He is. I may be the only one talking but He is listening and will reply if you believe He will.
So, now on top of thanking Him for His presence and for revelation. Just talk to Him about your understanding of His love. Go over it with Him, ask questions and really just talk with Him as if He was standing in the room with you. Go ahead, take as long as you want.
Welcome back. So how did your conversation go? I hope it was productive. If you've, in any way, received a revelation then it will be something that infiltrates your heart. The mind can process facts but the heart causes change. You can read something many times and you can hear something many times and the mind will store it as fact but for it to become real and to produce a change in your behaviour it takes those facts turning into heart knowledge. Head knowledge stores info, heart knowledge causes change. That's why God said I will turn their heart of stone into a heart of flesh. If a heart is not able and ready to receive revelation then it's like stone and it comes from an attitude of pride. However, a heart of flesh comes from humility and it can be taught and instructed.
So while you talk to God about something like His love for you, you're just talking to Him about your head knowledge. You're stating facts or quoting scripture to Him. This is head knowledge. If you feel like reading and studying the subject in the Bible, read it out loud to Him and ask questions. By speaking things out loud we get to hear our words and it helps us stay focused. Now, during your talk with Him, your just dumping out your head knowledge. While your doing that, He will take some of that knowledge and download it into your heart. For me it's like my eyes have been opened up and I can see clearly for the first time. Often I'm so overwhelmed that I cry or laugh or both. You see it so clearly and it causes a change in you. Change that creates an action in you to act differently or think differently or to be different than before.
If you receive a revelation about how much God loves you and it hits you right in the heart, you won't be the same. Doubt, fear, anxiety and self loathing will all disappear. That's why I've asked you to do this. It will change you!
So, today, right now, we've thanked Him for His presence, we've asked for a revelation into His love for us and then we've had a conversation with Him about your current understanding of His love for you. If you've not gotten anything out of this, don't fall into the devil's trap of doubt and self loathing. Just tell yourself, God will reveal to me His love for me when I'm ready to receive it.
One last thing, we cannot come to God for anything for selfish reasons. This is all for His glory not ours. That's why I say that at the end of every blog. It's for His glory and not mine. I don't write to get accolades, I write so my audience can get closer to the Father. So, when you come to Him for revelation and a heart change, you come because you want His light to shine through you. A darkened heart looks and acts like everyone else's but a heart that has been transformed by His revelation shines and everyone will see Him in you. So, don't do it for selfish reasons, always have the motive of expanding His kingdom through you.
So, do everything we talked about today with every subject you want to be revealed in you. Do it in faith, do it in humility and do it for the kingdom.
Love you!
To God be the Glory, always!
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