The enigmatic stare or glare of a cat is a true mystery of the natural world. You can see them processing info and their next move, yet to figure such things out is impossible. Cats stare into your soul and I think they know that, which gives them an advantage. Now, I didn't intend to start this post with a philosophical dissection of what cats think when they stare you down, it just happened.
I was going through some recent photos, looking for ones to submit for our photo club's June contest and I came across this picture. Some back story: I was in Ohio at my cousin's for the April eclipse and I ended up doing some graduation pics for her nephew. As we were walking through their store we all noticed their cat peering over a sign at us. Well, I swung my camera up and grabbed this shot. It wasn't an intentional pic, it was a reaction pic. Everyone was laughing at the comedy of it but looking back I see more.
The Glare, as I'm calling this, runs deeper than just a quick shot of a cat. It speaks to me. Those green eyes are mesmerizing to look at and I also wonder what it's thinking. We were strangers in this cats territory. Was it trying to assess us and our intentions or was it doing the curious cat thing. Unknown, but one thing for sure, it is quite the look.
Moving on from cats that peer into our hearts, my thoughts this week have been targeting the life of people. I recently did some street photography at a BBQ festival in my hometown and it was my first time taking photos of strangers without them knowing it and I think I'm addicted to it. We walked around town and if I saw an interesting person, I'd discretely take their photo. Once I get them downloaded and edited I'll do a post on them but for now I look back and think of how much fun it was.
Capturing people without them knowing it, is the best way to get real emotions, not those fake smiles everyone does. It's like people outside of church and people inside of church. We all know the fake smile and that facade of a perfect life inside of church is not real because outside we are different people. It's when we aren't under the eyes of others that our true self comes out. That's why doing street photography has captured me so. You don't get that glazed over smile, instead you get the eyes of truth.
Now I'm no fool and I know this is still a public setting where people tend to still be somewhat reserved but it is better than them knowing their pic is being taken. It's funny, guys will trend towards not wanting their photo taken at all. Women are the same unless they have the opportunity to fix their hair and makeup. However, capture them without knowing and their personalities come shinning through. The smiles, the frowns of disappointment, the's all there to capture.
Kids are the best when photographing on the street. First, they live in their immediate bubble of about three feet around them. They hardly know what is going on around them and therefore they let loose more than adults. Kids will just let it all hang out. Their emotions are never governed and they change them continually as things happen to and around them. You can capture pure excitement, joy, sadness and all the other emotions in between, unfiltered and wide open for all to see. Kids have to be my favorite subject, that and elderly people because they are to old to care too.
Why do I want to capture people in the rawness of life? Because it is rare to see someone let down their guard, even for a moment. Whether we are aware of it or not, we never really reveal ourselves to others. We can have moments of weakness during stressful moments but in normal circumstances, we never let people see who we are. It's only when we think no one is watching that we let loose those pent up emotions come through. Whether it's stress or sadness or happiness, we only show when we aren't being watched. So, I think I'd like to capture those fleeting moments of vulnerability as they are very rare.
Speaking of being open and vulnerable, (yet another subject switch, Attention Deficit is in full effect today) I also watched Jesus Revolution last night for the second or third time and people hate being vulnerable to others, let alone to a God they don't know. I look back on my story and how I came to the lord and it was a choice between a constant battle or surrender. I chose surrender but like people that are being photographed, I think they often times think they need to straighten up their hair and makeup first before their picture is taken. Same with God. People think they need to get their lives straightened up before they come to him. Like me wanting to see the raw, unfiltered emotions on peoples faces, God wants us to come to him broken, afraid, hurt and in disrepair. In the movie, the church didn't want the strange hippies with dirty bare feet coming into their clean church. They wanted them straight and clean first but God doesn't operate that way. He takes the broken and fixes them. Yet, to be fixed is to be vulnerable to the fixer.
Trust is the big issue. Like me and doctors, I don't trust them so I do everything I can to avoid them. People treat God in the same manner. They don't trust Him and therefore can't open themselves up to Him. We live in a country where the dollar is king. We work hard for it and others want it from us. The constant give and take societal ideals tends to impact the mind and soul to the point where we can't let our guard down or we'll be taken advantage of. Gone are the days of the handshake deals. Instead they've been replaced by mistrust and lawsuits.
If we can't be vulnerable in society, we won't be towards God either. The mistrust of others rings like a church bell on Sunday morning echoing and saying bring your clean hearted and smiles that have no meaning to us so we can shake your hand and welcome you to the house of God.
A bit dark, I know but my watching and perception of others has brought me to a conclusion. No one wants the dirty and the unclean because it's messy to deal with. No one wants an open book as a coworker or a friend. No one wants to hear the tragedy and the sadness because we are all dealing with the same stuff. We like it when people cover up and hide so we don't have to feel for them.
No sure of my point here, more of an observation than a point but If it was a point, then I'd say be real, genuine and vulnerable to God, who is the one you need.
To God be the Glory.
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