In this second part, we'll be moving on into Revelation chapter 14. In the last post, we ended at the end of chapter 13 where those that follow the flesh have been marked. In 14 we start off with a group of people standing with Jesus, with the Father’s name written on their forehead. The number 144,000 is just a symbol. The number 12 is the meaning of completion, perfection and authority especially when connected to government. As we all know, or should know, God will establish His kingdom here on Earth. The 144,000 is a symbol of those that have walked in God and have been sealed by His name and they will usher in the kingdom of God with Jesus. They will be the government of the new kingdom.
If you say you know God and you still have hate in your heart instead of love, then you don't know Him. We can run the risk of thinking we know Him by doing things religiously and having an appearance of Christ but the heart is where the rubber meats the road. If your heart still harbors anger, hate, anxiety, doubt, or disbelief, then you don't have a correct relationship with Him.
In Him we should love those that hate us. In Him we should never take account of any wrong done to us.
If your in a restaurant and your order comes out with fries instead of a baked potato, do you throw a fit and demand the potato or do you not care either way. By saying you don't care doesn't mean you eat the fries and then complain about it all the way home. I mean, you may not even notice, or if you do, you say nothing and you tip the waiter extra. That is God in you. When His character flows through you to affect you and others around you, then you can say you know God.
So, back to Revelation 14:3-5
3And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. And no one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. 4These are the ones who have not been defiled with women, for they are virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever He goes. They have been redeemed from among men as first fruits to God and to the Lamb. 5And no lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless.
The song is a song from their heart. A joyous song that comes from relationship. Verse four throws people. The redeemed here, the 144,000 have to be virgins? If you take this literally, then the only ones to join this exclusive group would be prepubescent boys. So, every girl is excluded, every adult is excluded too. Not true! Again this is a metaphor. The woman is the flesh. When Adam and Eve were in the garden, who was tempted? Eve! She came from Adams flesh and represents the flesh. She was deceived by Satan to eat of the fruit, which by the way was his character, and then she convinced Adam to do the same. Adam even said, I was deceived by the woman you gave me. Sound and feel familiar? It's because our flesh, which is the emotional side of our nature is represented by the woman.
Have an argument with your flesh and try and resist it without Jesus, it's impossible. It's like winning an argument with your wife, impossible! Right Guys?
I'm just kidding, but it is true that God created Eve from Adam, flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone and in the context of Revelation 13:4, we see the chosen people, the 144,000 not being defiled by the woman which is the flesh. When they became born again, they were cleaned and presented to Christ as a chaste virgin. Nothing wrong with them and they held their faith in Him and never waivered or was tempted by their flesh. As the quote says, they followed the Lamb wherever He went. As we ought to do. They have been pulled out amongst the population of men to be a first fruits.
To me, they are talking about the Apostles. They were pulled out amongst men, they were the first fruits of what Jesus did.
In the verses 12 and 13 we read,
Here is a call for the perseverance of the saints who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
13And I heard a voice from heaven telling me to write, “Blessed are the dead—those who die in the Lord from this moment on.”
“Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labors, for their deeds will follow them.”
I like the wording, "from this moment on." It resonates with me as the Angel of God is declaring at the onset of the age of Faith, from the moment Jesus died, rose again and then was seated at the right hand of the Father, from that moment just after the battle to cast the devil out, at that moment They marked a period, drew a line in the sand and declared, those that die to flesh, die to selfishness, die in Christ Jesus; as we believe we were buried and resurrected into a new life with Christ, at that moment they are blessed. Those that truly believe and live the life of Christ, they will rest from their own works because in them is someone else at work. In them is the Spirit of God and as they sit back and do nothing in their hearts or minds and they set their hands on nothing, they can sit back and watch God work through them to their amazement and their joy.
When we fly to a far off country or across our own country, are we expected to fly the plane? No. Instead, we pay the ticket price and we sit back and relax as the pilot flies us to our destination. Same goes with God. If we pay our ticket price, which is the flesh, then we can sit back and enjoy the ride with full confidence that God, our pilot will get us where we are going. Work on our part is not an option when you are in Him. He takes over if we let Him do so. What would happen if we went into the cockpit of a jet and started pushing buttons and moving levers? I'd think the plane would probably go down. So, if we constantly question how God is flying our plane and we can't relinquish control, then we crash.
I want to stop there as it seems this is all the Lord wants me to write but I want to say that any book of the Bible is not t be taken at face value. The words we read can and does have layered meanings. The trick is getting the Spirit to reveal the layers to you. It takes time, studying and keeping an open heart and mind to the Lord's leading.
We cannot afford to not understand what God is trying to say. As it says, my people perish because they lack understanding and knowledge. The day of the Lord is near and we must be prepared to endure the coming issues. As it says, we must persevere and press on towards the mark God has set for us. To be fully consumed by the Spirit of the Lord, unwavering, dedicated, faithful sons and daughters of the most high God.
To God be the Glory for Ever and Ever, Amen!
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