There are times when I have tons to write, then there are times when I have nothing. Today, nothing, yet I have put my finger to my digital keyboard and am going to type by Faith. We often want a prodding from the Spirit, a sign, confirmation or some sort of Jesus symbol in the air to move forward with anything. I went to a home church where I first learned about spiritual gifts like, prophecy and speaking in tongues. When I was baptised in the Holy Spirit, I tried to produce some sort of gifting by waiting to feel motivated or feel God pushing me in that direction.
For example, we would sing and sometimes we would end the song by just praising Him in tongues and at the end of praises someone would bring forth a prophecy. Now, speaking in tongues was never a problem for me but being isolated amongst the group and saying something I felt "might" be coming from God wasn't my forte.
Prophecy works like this, I would hear maybe a sentence or phrase in my mind and that's it. It's a beginning phrase, then as I started to say those words in faith, more would come as God would basically download what He wanted to say through me. To me it was very intimidating to just ramble of random thoughts and hope it was from God. You see, fear kept me from believing I could be used by God. Fear also kept my mouth shut most of the time. I'd constantly second guess the whole process.
Now that I'm not attending any church, I don't get that opportunity to step out into faith. Instead, my fingers are my mouth and I just start typing in faith knowing He will put words down.
So, my point is this, you have to take a few steps in faith first before God shows up and takes over. We are supposed to walk by faith and not by sight. If we see what is coming then it's not faith. Our comfort zone kills our ability to step out into faith and often times God will put us in situations where we have to exercise our faith in Him. Faith is essentially like a muscle, if you don't use it you lose it. Faith needs stretching and exercise for it to grow and become strong. So, I just asked God to give me a word and I wrote what I think I heard.
"Thus says the Lord, have I not been good to you, provided for you and protected you? Have I not brought you out of darkness and into the light? Can I not guide you through? Can I not bring you forth? Why then do you not trust in me? Why do you lean on your own understanding and on things you can see and touch? Am I not greater than the world you can see and touch? Am I not greater than your fear? Step out into me and out of yourself. Rid yourself of fear and judgement. Don't lean on what you understand as good but lean into Me and I will show you My goodness and what I want for you."
Now the way this works is, by faith, I started typing thus says the Lord and I typed what popped into my head after that. I did have a struggle with a few of the words where, to me, it didn't make sense but it's not for me to judge what makes sense or not. God may be speaking to a specific person through that prophecy and those words mean more to them than to me. So, for my first attempt at what I always had a fear of doing, is I hope the beginning of many more.
This is for more for me I suppose than for anyone else. Again it's an exercise in faith, to step out into Him and away from me. To come into a relationship where I fully rely on Him to guide me in all my steps. So, thanks for coming along and maybe someone else got something from this, I know I did.
To God be the Glory
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