Friday, December 23, 2022

Waking up in Him


My pattern lately and I hate calling it a pattern because patterns become habits and habits breed dependency and dependency creates religion, is to wake up in the middle of the night and spend time with Abba Father and Jesus, then go back to bed till morning. When I wake in the morning, a smile is on my face. Why? Because I believe in what He says about me. I'm greatly loved unconditionally and I wake up in praise of Him because of His love. 

Most people wake up worried about failing Him. They ask for a day without sin and without temptation or they ask Him to keep them from failing their standards. If you wake up condemning yourself before you even crawl out of your bed then you have already lost the battle. Focus on sin gives sin power over you. If I always worried about something then that something has power over me because it has caused worry. If we give sin power it will rise up and defeat you. Alternately, if you never give sin a thought, if you wake up excited to be one with the Father, excited to be in His presence and thankful for what Jesus did then the power of sin is taken away. An enemy only has power over you if you let the enemy have power. 

It's all driven by faith. It can only be done by faith. Faith in what God says, faith in what Christ did. I'm not going to do a long post because I have a video for you to watch. Now, it's a long one but it is definitely a video worth the time. It can change the way you think about your relationship with God in a revelatory way. It can change how you see yourself. 

Pray before you watch, that God will reveal the truth in your heart, whether this video helps in that or not. We always want truth and no lies. God can use any source for His truth but it takes a heart ready to except the truth for it to take effect. So, right now open your heart up for God to place truth in it without other ideas or traditions or doctrine interfering. Be like a child that knows nothing and let Him speak to you.

To God be the Glory!

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