As I wrote the last post I began to see more clearly the gospel of Christ and how simple it really is. Men have overcomplicated it as usual and placed burdens upon it that were never there in the first place. We've done like the Pharisees did and have added rules to make our side of things more important than they really are.
Church leaders place undue burden on believers when they come to Christ from the moment they tell them to recite the sinners prayer. No where in the Bible is there a specific outlined prayer for those to come to Jesus. Coming unto the Lord is as easy as saying, yep I believe. No fan fare, no applause, no standing up in front of the church so you can be counted in their bulletin, it's just a genuine heart that says to God thank you for Your Son and His sacrifice. I believe. It's that simple but men have complicated it so much.
Simple childlike faith is all it takes. We stand in Him and His finished works. We can't do or be or try or have a plan, we can only receive in faith what He has already prepared for us.
A radio antenna is built for one thing, to receive radio signals. It doesn't do it by any work of its own. The one who created it, made it to do what it does. So the antenna is just the vessel that picks up the signal and delivers it to a radio. Likewise we are the vessel that houses the Spirit. We can either block His signal by not believing or we can let Him operate through us by believing.
Matthew 18:1-4 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who then is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
2Jesus invited a little child to stand among them. 3“Truly I tell you,” He said, “unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
You see, a child cannot do anything but believe what it is told from its infancy. It has total faith in those that take care of it. We must humble ourselves and empty every notion, fear, doubt and piece of pride that resides in us and become fearless in faith.
We cannot say to ourselves we are unable for He is able to do through us. I told my wife yesterday, we are like a medicine bottle. The world is sick and is dying. We can either do one of two things. We can let them read our label, which gives them information about the medicine or we can give them the medicine. To give them medicine though, we must be like an empty container ready to receive His medicine. We can't be full of cotton which makes us look full but can't help in any way. No, we must empty ourselves out, present ourselves to the source and then accept the medicine He puts in us. So when we come up to someone who is sick, we can give them medicine.
Of course this is all metaphorical but you get my point. We can't walk around sick too. If we're sick then we can infect those we are trying to cure. We must be healthy, not just physically but spiritually, one who walks, talks and breathes God. Not because they can quote scripture and their head is full of notes but because they walk in childlike faith.
We are so focused on rules and traditions that we often block the very thing we seek from happening. I can't emphasise enough, the importance of letting everything go to become a child full of faith in all things. It's so important that we get that. I'm even moving further into this as I type. It's something that God has opened my eyes to recently so I must pass on the medicine.
Being a medicine bottle or an antenna, we first have to be empty, then we have to receive, then deliver. We are just conduits and containers for God’s love.
One more metaphor, say you are a delivery truck. First of all, God is in the delivery business and instead of building new delivery trucks, He takes the old worn out trucks and gives them a complete overhaul; top to bottom, engine to bumper new. However, in the truck is all the old junk it was carrying. God will remove the old stuff if we back up to the loading dock to be emptied. Once emptied, He can then fill us up so we can go out to make His deliveries.
I don't know if that makes sense but it just popped in my head. We must be like that empty truck, willing and ready to be filled, knowing we will be filled, knowing that is our purpose.
If I told you it was our faith in Him to work through us that saves the world, would you believe me. In Romans it says the world has been waiting and groaning for the manifestation of the Sons of God. Why? Because it's our call to set the world free of sin and doubt. Christ came to multiply His one single piece of fruit. With one piece of fruit you can feed only one person. The fruit instead dies and delivers the seed into the ground then it can bring forth new life. It can then produce many pieces of fruit and can feed many generations. If we are like fertile ground for God to plant His seed in, will we not bring forth new life to feed the hungry?
I've gone on long enough for today.
Know this, God loves you.
To God be the Glory!
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